Now in Chinese: My Translation of The Future 100 (2021)

I translated 2020 The Future 100 last year and enjoyed the job a lot, so this year, I translated the 2021 version again!

There are ten categories in this book: Culture, Tech & Innovation, Travel & Hospitality, Brand & Marketing, Food & Drink, Beauty, Retail, Work, Health, and Finance.

As you can imagine, lots of chapters are dedicated to Covid-19 (Wuhan Coronavirus), showcasing numerous creative marketing campaigns in the face of the global pandemic.

2021: The Future 100 (bilingual edition) is now available on and KingStone. Click the links to get your copy!

If you’d like to get your marketing materials (slides, books, ad copies) translated from English to Chinese, feel free to contact us for a quote. 

New Book Published! 2020 The Future 100

This book is finally published! I worked on this project when I was in preparation for the entrance exam of my master’s degree. Tough days lol. Glad to see it’s now published.

There are 100 chapters introducing 100 predicted marketing trends in this book. I really enjoyed translating the book as it showed me so many new things and innovative ideas around the globe. I’d recommend people interested in creative, fancy subjects to read through this amazing book now!

I translated this book from English to Chinese, and I spent quite a lot of effort in transcreating each title of these chapters as I want to show #Taiwanese readers the true gist of each chapter and remind them what these chapters are talking about with a glance at the catalogue.

2020: The Future 100 (bilingual edition) is now available on , TAAZE, and KingStone. Click the links to get your copy 😉

If you’d like to get your marketing materials (slides, books, ad copies) translated from English to Chinese, feel free to contact us for a quote.