It was 2016 that I first heard of this gallery. However, I had never made a visit to it until today. It’s 2020 now! Omg.
In this show, they exhibit 15 artists’s works for 3 weeks to celebrate the gallery’s six year old birthday.

With a blaze of colours, this wall welcoming guests at the first sight.

A piece of work from Desire Obtain Cherish’s Meltdown series is available at the gallery.
“Jonathan Paul (aka Desire Obtain Cherish)’s body of work explores the decision-making process we undergo while chasing the elusive state of happiness. Whether happiness is understood through finances, beauty, sex, or intelligence, artist Jonathan Paul, aka Desire Obtain Cherish, is fascinated with the pursuit and the decisions involved in such a journey.” -UNIX Gallery

Next, the most impressive work. A wooden box made by Swedish artist Marck.

March uses the wooden box with images of the model moving and writhing inside the box to showcase the framework modern women are still facing in these days.

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